jeudi 28 juin 2007

I need to update this more often. Or, I need to take more pictures of my stuff so I can have content to update with :-p

I have been cheating on my knitting needles with my crochet hook lately, I must confess. Results have been this super cute poncho for my stepdaughter:

I have also made this crocheted baby blanket for a friend of Max and I who's due to give birth to a baby girl any day now:

And remember the slippers I showed on my previous post? Well my coworker liked them so much that she is going to pay me to make some for her nieces! Sweet! I already made the first pairs, kitty slippers this time

Once I am done those, I will finish my pedicure socks so I can finally start my nice pair of socks with the yarn I bought with my friend Caroline.


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